Two spheres of masses 4 kilogram and 8 kilogram are moving with velocities 2 m/s and 3 m/s respectively away from each other along the same line. the velocity of centre of mass is?

Question: Two spheres of masses 4 kilogram and 8 kilogram are moving with velocities 2 m/s and 3 m/s respectively away from each other along the same line. the velocity of centre of mass is?

(1)4/3ms-¹ towards second sphere
(2)4/3ms-¹ towards first sphere
(3)8/3ms-¹ towards first sphere
(4)8/3ms-1 towards second sphere

Answer (1) is absolutely right answer because we know that the velocity of centre of mass is 4/3ms-¹ towards second sphere when Two spheres of masses 4 kilogram and 8 kilogram are moving with velocities 2 m/s and 3 m/s respectively away from each other.

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