Adjectives starting with r to describe a person positively?
Sunday, April 03, 2022
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Question: Adjectives starting with r to describe a person positively?
Here are some positive adjectives in French that start with the letter "R" to describe a person:
1. Réfléchi(e) - Thoughtful
2. Respectueux/respectueuse - Respectful
3. Responsable - Responsible
4. Raffiné(e) - Refined
5. Romantique - Romantic
6. Rassurant(e) - Reassuring
7. Rayonnant(e) - Radiant
8. Remarquable - Remarkable
9. Rigoureux/rigoureuse - Meticulous
10. RĂ©silient(e) - Resilient
11. RĂȘveur/rĂȘveuse - Dreamy
12. Reconnu(e) - Recognized
13. Rieur/rieuse - Cheerful
14. Radieux/radieuse - Radiant
15. RĂ©confortant(e) - Comforting
16. RĂ©jouissant(e) - Delightful
17. Raisonnable - Reasonable
18. Rassurant(e) - Reassuring
19. Réfléchi(e) - Reflective
20. Reconnaissant(e) - Grateful
Remember that adjectives in French can vary in gender and number to match the noun they describe.
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