Which of the following best describes the primary cause of global ocean warming?

Question: Which of the following best describes the primary cause of global ocean warming?

The primary cause of global ocean warming is the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), in the Earth's atmosphere. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), deforestation, and industrial processes, release large amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun and prevent it from escaping into space, resulting in the greenhouse effect and a warming of the Earth's surface, including the oceans.

When the atmosphere warms, the oceans also absorb a significant amount of heat from it. In fact, the oceans act as a crucial heat sink, absorbing over 90% of the excess heat generated by human-induced global warming. This absorption of heat leads to an increase in the overall temperature of the oceans, causing global ocean warming.

The consequences of global ocean warming are far-reaching and include sea level rise, coral bleaching, altered ocean currents and weather patterns, and changes in marine ecosystems and biodiversity.

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