Terjemahkan aquarians born on february 9 are a combination of childlike innocence and great wisdom. they need to communicate their ideas through action. there is often a great deal of struggle in their lives, but they accept it with grace, knowing they can only become what they envision through hard work or even sadness. dari inggris?
Question: Terjemahkan aquarians born on february 9 are a combination of childlike innocence and great wisdom. they need to communicate their ideas through action. there is often a great deal of struggle in their lives, but they accept it with grace, knowing they can only become what they envision through hard work or even sadness. dari inggris?
Orang yang lahir pada 9 Februari zodiak Aquarius merupakan kombinasi dari sifat kepolosan anak-anak dan kebijaksanaan yang besar. Mereka perlu mengomunikasikan ide-ide mereka melalui tindakan. Seringkali terdapat banyak perjuangan dalam hidup mereka, namun mereka menerima itu dengan pengertian, mengetahui bahwa mereka hanya dapat mencapai visi mereka melalui kerja keras atau bahkan kesedihan.
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