Chlorine bromine and iodine resemble?

Question: Chlorine bromine and iodine resemble?

Chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), and iodine (I) are all halogens, a group of elements in the periodic table that share similar chemical and physical properties.

All three elements are nonmetals, and their physical states at room temperature are different - chlorine is a gas, bromine is a liquid, and iodine is a solid. They all have seven valence electrons in their outermost shell, which makes them highly reactive and likely to form negative ions by gaining one electron.

In terms of chemical properties, they are all highly electronegative, which means that they tend to attract electrons towards themselves when they form bonds with other atoms. They can form binary compounds with most other elements, and their reactivity increases as you move down the group in the periodic table, with iodine being the most reactive of the three.

Chlorine, bromine, and iodine are also important in various industrial and biological processes. For example, chlorine is used in water treatment to kill bacteria and viruses, bromine is used as a flame retardant and in some pharmaceuticals, and iodine is a key component of thyroid hormones and is also used as an antiseptic.

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