The national curriculum statement aims to produce learners that are able to do the following?

Question: The national curriculum statement aims to produce learners that are able to do the following?

The National Curriculum Statement (NCS) is a framework for education in South Africa that sets out the aims and objectives of the curriculum. The NCS aims to produce learners who are able to:

Communicate effectively: Learners should be able to communicate effectively in different contexts and with different audiences, using a range of media and technologies.

Think critically and creatively: Learners should be able to think critically and creatively, and to apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems and make decisions.

Work collaboratively: Learners should be able to work collaboratively in groups, and to value and respect the contributions of others.

Use technology: Learners should be able to use technology to access, evaluate, and communicate information, and to use it to enhance their learning.

Understand the world: Learners should have an understanding of the world and its complexities, and should be able to engage with issues and debates that affect society.

Be responsible citizens: Learners should be able to act responsibly, ethically, and with integrity, and should understand their role as responsible citizens in a democratic society.

Overall, the NCS aims to produce learners who are well-rounded and able to engage with the world in a meaningful way, and who have the skills and knowledge to be successful in their personal and professional lives.

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