Describe male urinogenital system in scoliodon?

Question: Describe male urinogenital system in scoliodon?

Scoliodon, also known as the spiny dogfish, is a species of shark. The male urinogenital system in Scoliodon consists of the following structures:

1. Testes: These are a pair of oval-shaped structures located near the anterior end of the kidneys. The testes produce the sperm cells.

2. Epididymis: Each testis is connected to an epididymis, which is a coiled tube that stores and matures the sperm cells.

3. Vas deferens: The epididymis is connected to a vas deferens, which is a long, muscular tube that carries the sperm cells from the epididymis to the urogenital opening.

4. Urogenital papilla: This is a small, conical projection located just behind the pelvic fins. The vas deferens opens into the urogenital papilla.

5. Claspers: Male sharks have two claspers, which are elongated, rod-like structures located on the underside of the body, just behind the pelvic fins. The claspers are used during mating to transfer sperm into the female's reproductive tract.

6. Cloaca: The urogenital papilla and the anus both open into the cloaca, which is a common chamber that serves as the exit for both the urinary and digestive systems.

Overall, the male urinogenital system in Scoliodon is similar to that of other cartilaginous fish, although there are some variations between species.

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