Describe what happens when the drop of food colouring enters the water?

Question: Describe what happens when the drop of food colouring enters the water?

When a drop of food coloring enters water, several processes occur:

1. Dispersion: Initially, the food coloring drop remains compact and concentrated. As it is released into the water, the drop begins to disperse and spread out due to the molecular motion of the water molecules. This dispersion is driven by the random motion and collisions of the water molecules with the dye molecules.

2. Diffusion: The dispersion of the food coloring drop is followed by the process of diffusion. Diffusion refers to the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. In this case, the dye molecules spread out from the concentrated drop into the surrounding water, gradually creating a more uniform distribution.

3. Mixing: As the food coloring diffuses, it mixes with the water molecules, causing the water to change color. The dye molecules become evenly distributed throughout the water, resulting in a homogeneous solution. The time it takes for the dye to fully mix depends on factors such as the concentration of the dye, temperature, and agitation of the water.

It's important to note that these processes occur due to the random motion of molecules, known as Brownian motion, and the principle of entropy, which drives systems towards greater disorder and uniformity.

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