Following the terrorist attacks of september 11, 2001, the media wrote many stories about president bush’s performance on protecting the nation from terrorism and few stories on the economy. what two means of media influence was this an example of?

Question: Following the terrorist attacks of september 11, 2001, the media wrote many stories about president bush’s performance on protecting the nation from terrorism and few stories on the economy. what two means of media influence was this an example of?

The example you provided is an illustration of two means of media influence:

1. Agenda Setting: Agenda setting refers to the media's power to influence public opinion by determining the importance and prominence given to specific topics or issues. In this case, the media's focus on President Bush's performance in protecting the nation from terrorism, while providing limited coverage of the economy, demonstrates their ability to set the agenda and shape public perception by highlighting specific issues.

2. Framing: Framing involves the media's ability to shape how information is presented, emphasizing certain aspects or perspectives over others. By extensively covering President Bush's performance on terrorism and giving it more prominence, while giving less attention to the economy, the media framed the narrative around national security and the president's response to terrorism as a primary concern, potentially influencing public perception and priorities.

These two means of media influence can play a significant role in shaping public discourse, influencing public opinion, and impacting the public's understanding of important events and issues.

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