What is african-based teaching isc3701? know Forms of instruction isc3701?

Question: What is african-based teaching isc3701? know Forms of instruction isc3701?

ISC3701 is a course offered at the University of South Africa (UNISA) and I am not authorized to access their course materials. However, I can provide some general information on African-based teaching.

African-based teaching is an approach to education that incorporates African culture, values, and traditions into the teaching and learning process. It is grounded in the philosophy that education should be relevant to the cultural and social context of the learners, and that the experiences and knowledge of the learners should be respected and integrated into the learning process.

Some key characteristics of African-based teaching include:

1. Holistic Approach: African-based teaching takes a holistic approach to education, viewing the learner as a whole person with intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. It emphasizes the importance of developing the whole person, not just academic skills.

2. Community-Oriented: African-based teaching emphasizes the importance of community in education. It sees education as a collaborative effort between learners, educators, parents, and the community. It recognizes that learning is not only an individual endeavor but also a communal one.

3. Participatory: African-based teaching encourages active participation and engagement by learners. It emphasizes the importance of hands-on, experiential learning that involves learners in the learning process. This approach allows learners to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

4. Culturally Responsive: African-based teaching incorporates African culture, values, and traditions into the teaching and learning process. It recognizes that learners bring their own cultural backgrounds and experiences to the classroom and seeks to integrate these into the learning process.

Overall, African-based teaching is an approach that seeks to empower learners by valuing their experiences and knowledge, and by making education relevant to their cultural and social context.

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