Set one smart goal for yourself as a volunteer in the future?
Question: Set one smart goal for yourself as a volunteer in the future?
As a volunteer, it is important to have a clear and realistic goal that you want to achieve in the future. A smart goal is one that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Here is an example of a smart goal for a volunteer:
I want to improve my communication skills and help more people in need by becoming a crisis counselor for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. To do this, I will complete the online training course and pass the assessment by the end of this month. Then, I will commit to at least four hours of volunteering per week for the next six months. I will track my progress by keeping a log of my calls and feedback from my supervisor. I will also seek opportunities to learn from other experienced counselors and improve my techniques. This goal is smart because it is specific (what I want to do and how), measurable (hours, calls, feedback), achievable (within my abilities and availability), relevant (to my interests and values) and time-bound (by the end of this month and the next six months).
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