Distinguish between assessment of learning and assessment for learning with examples.

Question: Distinguish between assessment of learning and assessment for learning with examples.

Assessment of learning (AoL) is used to measure student learning at the end of a unit or course. It is typically summative, meaning that it is used to provide a snapshot of student learning at a particular point in time. AoL can be used to track student progress over time, identify areas of strength and weakness, and make decisions about student placement and graduation.

Assessment for learning (AfL) is used to provide feedback to students and teachers about student learning in order to improve learning. It is typically formative, meaning that it is used to inform instruction and provide students with opportunities to learn and grow. AfL can be used to identify misconceptions, provide students with opportunities to practice new skills, and support students in reaching their learning goals.

Here are some examples of AoL and AfL:

Assessment of learning:

  • A final exam at the end of a course
  • A standardized test
  • A performance assessment, such as a play or presentation
  • A portfolio of student work

Assessment for learning:

  • A quiz or formative assessment given at the beginning of a unit to identify student misconceptions
  • A teacher observation of a student working on a problem
  • A student self-assessment of their own learning
  • A peer review of a student's work

The main difference between AoL and AfL is their purpose. AoL is used to measure student learning, while AfL is used to improve student learning. AoL is typically summative, while AfL is typically formative.

AoL and AfL can be used together to provide a more complete picture of student learning. For example, AoL can be used to identify areas where students need additional support, and AfL can be used to provide that support and help students improve their learning.

Here is an example of how AoL and AfL can be used together:

A teacher gives a quiz at the beginning of a unit to identify student misconceptions. The teacher then uses AfL strategies, such as teacher observation and student self-assessment, to provide students with targeted support. This support helps students to address their misconceptions and improve their understanding of the material.

By using AoL and AfL together, teachers can help students to learn more effectively and achieve their learning goals.

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