X, A 35-year-old widow, whose husband was killed in a motor vehicle accident wants to know the prospects of successfully claiming loss of support against the road accident fund. explain fully, how her rights to claim such damages could be affected by the probability of re-partnership.

Question: X, A 35-year-old widow, whose husband was killed in a motor vehicle accident wants to know the prospects of successfully claiming loss of support against the road accident fund. explain fully, how her rights to claim such damages could be affected by the probability of re-partnership.

Prospects of success for a 35-year-old widow's claim for loss of support against the Road Accident Fund

A 35-year-old widow has good prospects of successfully claiming loss of support against the Road Accident Fund (RAF) if her husband was killed in a motor vehicle accident. The RAF is a no-fault compensation scheme that provides financial assistance to the victims of road accidents and their families.

To be eligible for a loss of support claim, the widow must prove that she was financially dependent on her husband at the time of his death. She will need to provide evidence of her husband's income and her own expenses. She will also need to show that she is unable to support herself financially without her husband's income.

If the widow is successful in her claim, she will be awarded a lump sum payment to compensate her for the loss of her husband's financial support. The amount of the payment will be calculated based on her husband's income, her own expenses, and her life expectancy.

How the probability of re-partnership could affect the widow's claim

The probability of re-partnership could affect the widow's claim in two ways:

  • Reduction in the amount of the award: The RAF may reduce the amount of the award if it believes that the widow is likely to re-partner in the future. This is because the RAF does not want to overcompensate the widow if she will no longer be financially dependent on her husband's income in the future.
  • Disqualification from claiming: In some cases, the RAF may disqualify the widow from claiming loss of support if it believes that she is likely to re-partner in the near future. This is because the RAF does not want to pay out compensation to a widow who will no longer be financially dependent on her husband's income in the near future.

The RAF will take into account a number of factors when assessing the probability of re-partnership, including the widow's age, her health, her employment status, and her social life. The RAF will also consider the widow's own evidence about her intentions for the future.

What the widow can do to maximize her chances of success

The widow can maximize her chances of success by providing the RAF with as much evidence as possible to support her claim. This could include:

  • Evidence of her husband's income, such as his tax returns and pay slips.
  • Evidence of her own expenses, such as her bank statements and utility bills.
  • Evidence of her financial dependence on her husband, such as evidence that he paid her living expenses.
  • Evidence of her inability to support herself financially without her husband's income, such as evidence that she is unemployed or has a low income.
  • Evidence of her intentions for the future, such as evidence that she does not intend to re-partner in the near future.

The widow should also seek legal advice from a qualified lawyer to help her with her claim. A lawyer can help her to gather the necessary evidence and to prepare her case for the RAF.


A 35-year-old widow has good prospects of successfully claiming loss of support against the RAF if her husband was killed in a motor vehicle accident. However, the probability of re-partnership could affect her claim, and she should seek legal advice from a qualified lawyer to help her with her claim.

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