Describe any three local threats of food security?

Question: Describe any three local threats of food security? 

Here are three local 

threats to food security:

1. Water scarcity: Rajasthan is one of the most water-scarce states in India, with only 1.1% of the country's surface water resources and 1.7% of its groundwater resources². This scarcity of water can lead to crop failure and food insecurity.

2. Soil degradation: Soil degradation is a significant problem in Rajasthan, with over 70% of the state's land area affected by soil erosion, salinization, and waterlogging². This degradation can lead to a decrease in crop yields and food production.

3. Climate change: Rajasthan is highly vulnerable to climate change, with increasing temperatures, erratic rainfall, and frequent droughts². These changes can lead to crop failure, food insecurity, and malnutrition.

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