Explain how discrimination can lead to human rights violations?

Explain how discrimination can lead to human rights violations?

Question: Explain how discrimination can lead to human rights violations?

Discrimination is a harmful practice that denies people their full human rights simply because of who they are or what they believe. It occurs when a person is unable to enjoy their human rights or other legal rights on an equal basis with others because of an unjustified distinction made in policy, law, or treatment. Discrimination can be based on a wide range of grounds, including race, ethnicity, nationality, class, caste, religion, belief, sex, gender, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex characteristics, age, health, or other status.

Discrimination can lead to human rights violations when it is unchecked and perpetuates inequality. It can fuel large-scale atrocities such as genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing. Discrimination can also lead to over-incarceration of certain groups of people, prosecution and bail policies that coerce people into guilty pleas, surveillance of specific groups, and immigration policies that scapegoat immigrants as criminals.

International human rights law recognizes discrimination on the basis of HIV status, sexual orientation, sex and gender identity and expression, health status, or sex work as a human rights violation 3. The Human Rights Act makes it illegal to discriminate on a wide range of grounds, including sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth, or other status.

To prevent human rights violations, it is important to challenge discriminatory laws and practices and ensure that all people can enjoy their rights on an equal basis 1. The Human Rights Council has highlighted the importance of prevention since its creation in 2006 through regular resolutions on “the role of prevention in the promotion and protection of human rights”.

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