From study unit, name one key attitude that is not aligned to the conduct in b1.1.?

Question: From study unit, name one key attitude that is not aligned to the conduct in b1.1.?

One key attitude that is not aligned to the conduct in b1.1, from study unit, is honesty.

The conduct in b1.1 involved the auditor knowingly signing off on a set of financial statements that contained misstatements. This is a clear act of dishonesty, as the auditor is responsible for ensuring that the financial statements are accurate and reliable.

Honesty is an essential quality for auditors, as it allows them to carry out their duties with integrity and professionalism. Honest auditors will not hesitate to report any misstatements that they find, even if it is embarrassing or inconvenient.

Here are some specific ways that the auditor in b1.1 could have demonstrated honesty:

  • Refused to sign off on the financial statements until the misstatements were corrected.
  • Reported the misstatements to the company's board of directors or to a regulatory body.
  • Resigned from the audit engagement if the company refused to correct the misstatements.

By demonstrating honesty, the auditor could have prevented the conduct in b1.1 and protected the interests of the company and its stakeholders.

Here is a quote from study unit that emphasizes the importance of honesty for auditors:

"Honesty is the foundation of all trust. Auditors must be honest and ethical in their dealings with all stakeholders. This means being truthful and accurate in their reporting, and being fair and impartial in their assessments."

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