How much is dollar to naira today in black market?
Question: How much is dollar to naira today in black market?
The dollar to naira rate in the black market today, November 2, 2023, is around **750 to 770 naira per dollar.
The black market is an unofficial market where people can buy and sell foreign currency at rates that are different from the official exchange rate. The black market is often used by people who need to get foreign currency quickly or who cannot get foreign currency at the official exchange rate.
The black market rate is typically higher than the official exchange rate because there is more demand for foreign currency in the black market. The higher rate is also a reflection of the risk involved in buying and selling foreign currency on the black market.
It is important to note that the black market is illegal in Nigeria. However, it is still a popular way to buy and sell foreign currency because it is often the only way to get foreign currency quickly.
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