Name some african musical instruments from each of the above categories?

Question: Name some african musical instruments from each of the above categories? 

African musical instruments are classified into five main categories: aerophones, chordophones, idiophones, membranophones, and percussion. Here are some examples of African musical instruments from each category:

- Aerophones: These are wind instruments. Examples include the Kudu horn from South Africa, Oja flute from Nigeria, and Zurla from the Balkans. 

- Chordophones: These are instruments with strings. Examples include the Kora from West Africa, Ngoni from Mali, and Berimbau from Brazil. 

- Idiophones: These are instruments that can be rattled or shaken. Examples include the Shekere from Nigeria, Mbira from Zimbabwe, and Maracas from Latin AmericaAmerica. 

- Membranophones: These are instruments that produce sound by striking a stretched membrane. Examples include the Djembe from West Africa, Talking drum from West Africa, and Ngoma from East Africa. 

- Percussion: These are instruments that produce sound when struck by hands or feet. Examples include the Agogo from Ghana, Caxixi from Brazil, and Dunun from West Africa. 

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