What are the three pieces of legislation that regulate labour law and workplace health and safety in south africa?

Question: What are the three pieces of legislation that regulate labour law and workplace health and safety in south africa?

According to the web search results, the three pieces of legislation that regulate labour law and workplace health and safety in South Africa are:

- The Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA): This act sets out the minimum standards for employment, including working hours, leave entitlements, and termination procedures. It also regulates issues such as overtime pay and the prohibition of child labor .

- The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA): This act sets out the legal framework for the protection of the health and safety of workers in the workplace. It covers issues such as the provision of safe working conditions, the safe handling and storage of hazardous materials, and the provision of personal protective equipment .

- The Employment Equity Act (EEA): This act aims to promote diversity and eliminate discrimination in the workplace. It requires employers to take affirmative action to ensure that certain designated groups, including women, people with disabilities, and black people, are not unfairly disadvantaged in the workplace .

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