write a short note on the communication cycle?
Question: write a short note on the communication cycle?
The communication cycle is a model that describes how people communicate with each other. It consists of seven elements: sender, message, encoding, channel, receiver, decoding, and feedback. The process begins with the sender, who decides what message to convey, how to convey it, and which medium is the best way to share the message. The sender then encodes the message with gestures, tone of voice, pragmatics, and semantics. The message is passed through the most appropriate medium or channel to the receiver, who decodes the message by translating the speaker's word choice, gestures, etc. into thoughts. Once the receiver has decoded the message, they will respond with their feedback.
The communication cycle is essential to human survival and is used in all types of human interactions, from a baby's cry to tell a caregiver that they are hungry to a person sharing their location through iMessage ¹. Communication is key to maintaining strong social ties that humans need to live long and healthy lives. On a syntactic level, communication is concerned with the grammar of a sentence -- whether the words/signs/symbols are arranged in a way that creates meaning. For example, "Marcus the ball kicks" makes no sense syntactically in English. The correct syntax is "Marcus kicks the ball".
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