Based on the planetary theory, solar system started with a great collision of giant comet to the sun. after that, sun forms wave that was torn out in the principal mass of the sun. which of the following theory of the solar system explain this scenario?

Question: Based on the planetary theory, solar system started with a great collision of giant comet to the sun. after that, sun forms wave that was torn out in the principal mass of the sun. which of the following theory of the solar system explain this scenario?

One possible theory of the solar system that could explain this scenario is the tidal theory. According to this theory, a close encounter between the Sun and a massive star or a giant comet caused a huge tidal wave in the Sun's surface. This wave was then pulled out by the gravitational force of the passing object, forming a filament of gas and dust. The filament broke into smaller fragments, which eventually condensed into planets and other bodies. The tidal theory was proposed by James Jeans and Harold Jeffreys in the early 20th century, but it has many problems and is not widely accepted by modern astronomers.

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