To what extent can interpersonal conflict affect job performance when employed?
Question: To what extent can interpersonal conflict affect job performance when employed?
Interpersonal conflict is a common and inevitable phenomenon in any workplace. It can arise from different sources, such as personality clashes, communication breakdowns, competing goals, scarce resources, or power struggles. While some degree of conflict can be beneficial for stimulating creativity and innovation, excessive or unresolved conflict can have negative impacts on job performance. In this blog post, we will explore some of the ways that interpersonal conflict can affect job performance when employed, and how to manage it effectively.
One of the main effects of interpersonal conflict on job performance is reduced productivity. When employees are engaged in conflict, they may spend more time and energy on arguing, complaining, or avoiding each other, rather than focusing on their tasks and goals. This can lead to delays, errors, missed deadlines, or poor quality of work. Moreover, conflict can create a stressful and hostile work environment, which can lower the morale and motivation of employees, as well as their satisfaction and commitment to the organization.
Another effect of interpersonal conflict on job performance is impaired teamwork and collaboration. When employees are in conflict, they may have difficulties in communicating, cooperating, or trusting each other. This can hinder the sharing of information, ideas, feedback, or resources among team members, which are essential for achieving collective outcomes. Furthermore, conflict can damage the relationships and trust among employees, which can affect their willingness to help, support, or learn from each other.
A third effect of interpersonal conflict on job performance is increased turnover and absenteeism. When employees are in conflict, they may feel unhappy, frustrated, or burned out at work. This can lead them to seek alternative employment opportunities, or to quit their jobs altogether. Alternatively, they may choose to stay in their jobs, but to avoid the conflict by calling in sick, taking leaves of absence, or working less hours. Either way, this can result in a loss of talent, skills, and experience for the organization, as well as increased costs of recruitment and training.
To sum up, interpersonal conflict can have significant and detrimental effects on job performance when employed. Therefore, it is important for employees and managers to recognize the signs and sources of conflict, and to adopt appropriate strategies to resolve it constructively. Some of the possible strategies include: listening actively and empathetically to each other's perspectives and feelings; expressing one's needs and interests clearly and respectfully; seeking common ground and mutually beneficial solutions; involving a third party mediator or arbitrator if needed; and maintaining a positive and respectful attitude towards each other.
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