The following figures show the spectral types of four main-sequence stars. rank them based on the time each takes, from longest to shortest, to go from a protostar to a main-sequence star during the formation process.

Question: The following figures show the spectral types of four main-sequence stars. rank them based on the time each takes, from longest to shortest, to go from a protostar to a main-sequence star during the formation process.

The time it takes for a protostar to evolve into a main-sequence star varies significantly based on its mass. The most massive stars, classified as spectral type O, are the quickest to form, taking a few thousand to a million years to reach the main sequence. In contrast, stars like our Sun, which are of medium mass, require millions of years to form. The least massive stars, classified as spectral types M or L, take the longest, with formation times stretching into tens of millions of years. Therefore, when ranking main-sequence stars from the longest to the shortest formation times based on their spectral types, it would typically be M or L types taking the longest, followed by K and G types like our Sun, and finally, the O types, which form the quickest. This sequence reflects the broader relationship between mass, luminosity, and temperature that characterizes main-sequence stars.

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