Which two terms describe the anterior openings of the nasal cavity?

Question: Which two terms describe the anterior openings of the nasal cavity?

The anterior openings of the nasal cavity are commonly referred to as the nares or nostrils. These are the entry points into the nasal cavity, leading to the internal structures of the nose. The nares are crucial for the process of respiration, allowing the passage of air into the nasal cavity where it is warmed, humidified, and filtered before reaching the lungs. Additionally, they play a significant role in the sense of smell, as they facilitate the entry of odorants to the olfactory receptors located in the upper parts of the nasal cavity. Understanding the anatomy of these openings is important for medical professionals as it relates to various functions and potential clinical issues of the respiratory system. The terms 'nares' and 'nostrils' are often used interchangeably in anatomical context to describe these anterior nasal apertures.

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