Describe how modern adaptations of traditional rainwater harvesting methods are being carried out to conserve and store water?

Question: Describe how modern adaptations of traditional rainwater harvesting methods are being carried out to conserve and store water?

In addition to traditional methods, modern adaptations of rainwater harvesting are being used to conserve and store water. Here are a few examples:

1. Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting with PVC Pipes:

   - In many areas, rooftop rainwater is collected using PVC pipes.

   - Water is filtered using sand and bricks.

   - An underground pipe takes the water to a sump for immediate usage.

   - Excess water from the sump is then taken to a well.

2. Spring and Stream Water Tapping in Meghalaya:

   - Bamboo pipes are used to tap spring and stream water in Meghalaya, a system that has been in place for over 200 years.

3. Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting in Remote Villages:

   - In the Mysore district of Karnataka, a remote backward village called Gendathur installed rooftop rainwater harvesting systems in around 200 houses.

   - Approximately 1 lakh liters of rainwater are harvested annually from 20 houses in this village.

4. Tanka Systems in Rajasthan:

   - In semi-arid and arid regions of Rajasthan, rooftop rainwater harvesting is commonly practiced.

   - Houses have tankas (underground tanks) to store drinking water in regions like Balmer, Phalodi, and Bikaner.

These adaptations help address water scarcity and promote sustainable water management.

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