What is irrigation describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water?

What is irrigation describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water?

Question: What is irrigation describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water?

Irrigation is the process of applying water to crops or plants to help them grow. There are different methods of irrigation that can conserve water and reduce wastage. Two such methods are:

- Drip irrigation: This is a type of micro-irrigation system that delivers water slowly and directly to the roots of plants through narrow tubes. This method reduces evaporation and supplies water and nutrients efficiently to the plants.
- Wick system: This is a type of hydroponics system that uses wicks to draw water from a pipe that is laid underground. The wicks moisten the roots of plants without clogging the air pores in the soil. This method also recirculates water and nutrients and provides more dissolved oxygen to the plants.

These methods of irrigation can save water and improve crop productivity, especially in dry areas.

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