Compute the number of ions present in 5.85 g of sodium chloride?

Question: Compute the number of ions present in 5.85 g of sodium chloride?

Molar mass of NaCl is 58.5 gm/mol which is the sum of the molar mass of Na(23) and Cl(35.5). 

So number of moles in 5.85gm NaCl is (5.85/58.5) 0.1.

And Number of ions = 2* 0.1= 0.2

Now 1 mol of any substance consists the molecule equals to the Avagadro number that is   6.022 ×10^23.

So number of ions in 5.85gm of NaCl is -

6.022 ×10^23 ×0.2 = 1.2042 ×10^23 ions

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