How do you describe the path that the light passes through when it travels?

Question: How do you describe the path that the light passes through when it travels?

One possible way to describe the path that light takes when it travels is to use the concept of rays. A ray is an imaginary line that represents the direction of light at a certain point. Rays can be drawn from a light source, such as a lamp or the sun, to an object or a surface that reflects or refracts the light. When light encounters a boundary between two different materials, such as air and glass, it can change its direction or speed. This is called reflection or refraction, respectively. Reflection occurs when light bounces off a surface, such as a mirror or a shiny metal. Refraction occurs when light bends as it passes from one medium to another, such as from air to water or from water to air. The angle of reflection or refraction depends on the angle of incidence, which is the angle between the incoming ray and the normal line, which is perpendicular to the surface. By using rays and angles, we can trace the path of light and predict how it will behave in different situations.

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