Describe the circumstances to the outbreak of the revolutionaries in france?

Question: Describe the circumstances to the outbreak of the revolutionaries in france?

The French Revolution was a result of various social, political, economic and intellectual factors that challenged the old order of France. Some of these factors were:

- Social inequality: The French society was divided into three estates: the clergy, the nobility and the commoners. The first two estates enjoyed many privileges and exemptions from taxes, while the third estate bore the burden of taxation and had no political representation.

- Subsistence crisis: The population of France increased rapidly in the 18th century, leading to a higher demand for food and consumer goods. However, bad harvests, wars and inflation caused a shortage of food and a rise in prices, especially of bread, which was the staple food of the poor. This created widespread hunger and discontent among the masses.

- Economic problems: France was involved in many wars in the 18th century, which drained its financial resources and increased its debt. The king, Louis XVI, tried to impose new taxes to raise revenue, but faced opposition from the privileged estates and the parlements (courts of law). The king also lived a lavish lifestyle and spent extravagantly on his court and palace at Versailles.

- Intellectual influences: The Enlightenment thinkers, such as Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu, challenged the traditional authority of the church and the monarchy and advocated for reason, liberty, equality and democracy. Their ideas inspired many members of the third estate, especially the bourgeoisie (middle class), who wanted to reform the political system and have a greater say in governance.

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