Distinguish between infected and affected?

Distinguish between infected and affected?

Question: Distinguish between infected and affected?

One of the common confusions in English is the difference between the words infected and affected. Both words are derived from the Latin verb facere, which means "to do" or "to make". However, they have different meanings and uses in modern English.

Infected is an adjective that describes someone or something that has been contaminated by a disease-causing agent, such as a virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite. For example:

- He was infected with COVID-19 and had to isolate for 10 days.

- The wound was infected and needed antibiotics.

- The computer was infected by a malware and crashed.

Affected is an adjective that describes someone or something that has been influenced or changed by something else, such as an event, a condition, or a factor. For example:

- She was affected by the loss of her father and became depressed.

- The weather affected the crops and reduced the harvest.

- The noise affected his concentration and he made a mistake.

Sometimes, both words can be used in the same sentence, but with different meanings. For example:

- The pandemic infected millions of people and affected the economy worldwide.

- The flood infected the water supply and affected the health of the residents.

- The drug infected his brain and affected his behavior.

To summarize, infected means contaminated by a disease-causing agent, while affected means influenced or changed by something else. It is important to distinguish between these words to avoid confusion and miscommunication in English.

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