Explain three reasons why mandela was released from prison in 1990?

Question: Explain three reasons why mandela was released from prison in 1990?

There were several reasons why Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990, but three key factors stand out:

International Pressure: The apartheid regime in South Africa faced increasing international pressure to end its policy of racial segregation and oppression. The global anti-apartheid movement had gained momentum in the 1980s, with many countries imposing economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation on South Africa. Mandela's imprisonment had become a symbol of the regime's brutality and injustice, and his release was seen as a necessary step towards reconciliation and a more democratic future for South Africa.

Internal Unrest: The apartheid government faced increasing internal unrest and resistance in the late 1980s, with protests, strikes, and riots spreading across the country. Mandela's release was seen as a way to appease the growing anti-apartheid movement and prevent further escalation of violence and unrest.

Negotiations for a Democratic Transition: Behind the scenes, the South African government had been engaging in secret negotiations with the African National Congress (ANC), the main anti-apartheid organization, to find a way to end apartheid and transition to a more democratic government. Mandela's release was part of a larger process of negotiations that ultimately led to the country's first democratic elections in 1994, which Mandela won in a landslide victory.


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