How to Calculate the Percentile in JEE Mains?

Based on my deep research, here is a brief advice on how to calculate the percentile in JEE Mains:

- The percentile score in JEE Mains is a measure of how well you performed relative to other candidates who appeared in the same session of the exam.

- The percentile score is not the same as the percentage score or the raw score. The percentile score depends on the difficulty level of the exam and the number of candidates who took it.

- To calculate your percentile score, you need to use the following formula:

Percentile Score = 100 x (Number of candidates who secured a raw score equal to or less than you) / (Total number of candidates who appeared in that session)

- For example, if you scored 200 out of 300 in JEE Mains Session 2, and there were 8 lakh candidates who appeared in that session, and 1.5 lakh candidates scored equal to or less than you, then your percentile score would be:

Percentile Score = 100 x (1.5 lakh) / (8 lakh) = 18.75

- The higher your percentile score, the better your rank will be. The NTA will use your best percentile score out of all the sessions you appeared in to prepare the final rank list and determine your eligibility for JEE Advanced.

- You can also use online tools or calculators to estimate your percentile score and rank based on your expected or actual raw score.

I hope this helps.😊

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