Identify the original source from which crude oil and coal respectively forms?

Question: Identify the original source from which crude oil and coal respectively forms?

Crude oil and coal are both fossil fuels that form from the remains of ancient organisms. However, the original sources from which they form are different.

Crude oil forms from the remains of marine plants and animals that died millions of years ago and settled at the bottom of oceans and lakes. Over time, the organic matter was buried by sediment and subjected to high pressure and temperature, which caused it to undergo chemical and physical changes and transform into crude oil.

Coal, on the other hand, forms from the remains of land plants that died and were buried in swamps and bogs. As the plant material was buried, it was subjected to high pressure and temperature, which caused it to undergo a series of physical and chemical changes and transform into coal.

In summary, crude oil forms from the remains of marine plants and animals, while coal forms from the remains of land plants that grew in swamps and bogs.

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