Name the plates found on either side of the plate boundary on the west coast of south america?

Question: Name the plates found on either side of the plate boundary on the west coast of south america?

If you are interested in the geology of South America, you might wonder what kind of plate boundary is occurring along its west coast. The answer is a  subduction zone, where the oceanic  Nazca plate is diving under the continental South American plate, This process creates a lot of friction and heat, which can result in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The most powerful earthquake ever recorded, the 1960 Valdivia earthquake, happened in this region. The subduction zone also pushes up the Andes mountains, which are still growing today . On the other hand, the east coast of South America is a divergent boundary, where the South American plate is moving away from the African plate. This creates new oceanic crust at the  Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is a long underwater mountain range.

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