The focus on the learner’s making and constructing knowledge is known as …?

Question: The focus on the learner’s making and constructing knowledge is known as …?

The focus on the learner's making and constructing knowledge is known as constructivism. Constructivism is a learning theory that emphasizes the active role of the learner in the learning process. According to constructivism, learners construct their own understanding and knowledge through experiences and interactions with the environment.

Constructivism suggests that learners use prior knowledge and experiences to construct new knowledge and understanding. Learners actively engage with the content, using problem-solving and critical thinking skills to make connections and develop deeper understanding. This type of learning is student-centered and emphasizes the importance of learners' prior knowledge, experiences, and interests in the learning process.

Constructivism also suggests that learning is most effective when it is authentic, meaningful, and relevant to the learner's life experiences. Learners should be provided with opportunities to apply what they have learned in real-world contexts, and to collaborate with others in the learning process.

In summary, constructivism is a learning theory that emphasizes the active role of the learner in the learning process, and suggests that learners construct their own understanding and knowledge through experiences and interactions with the environment.

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