Tissue that lies between the upper and lower epidermis of leaves?

Question: Tissue that lies between the upper and lower epidermis of leaves?

The tissue that lies between the upper and lower epidermis of leaves is called the mesophyll. The mesophyll is the primary site of photosynthesis in leaves, and it is composed of two distinct layers: the palisade mesophyll and the spongy mesophyll.

The palisade mesophyll is located near the upper epidermis of the leaf and is made up of column-shaped cells. These cells contain a high concentration of chloroplasts, which are responsible for capturing light energy and converting it into chemical energy during photosynthesis.

The spongy mesophyll is located near the lower epidermis of the leaf and is made up of irregularly shaped cells. These cells are loosely packed, leaving spaces between them that allow for the exchange of gases, such as carbon dioxide and oxygen, during photosynthesis.

Together, the palisade mesophyll and the spongy mesophyll make up the mesophyll layer of the leaf, which plays a critical role in the process of photosynthesis.

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