Explain briefly why alkanols are stronger bases than water?

Question: Explain briefly why alkanols are stronger bases than water?

Alkanols, also known as alcohols, are stronger bases than water due to the presence of the alkyl group (-R) attached to the hydroxyl group (-OH). The alkyl group is electron-donating in nature, which increases the electron density on the oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group.

This increased electron density makes the oxygen atom more nucleophilic and more capable of accepting a proton. In other words, alkanols have a greater tendency to donate an electron pair and act as a base compared to water.

Additionally, the alkyl group in alkanols provides steric hindrance, which helps in stabilizing the alkoxide ion formed after the loss of a proton. This stabilization further enhances the basicity of alkanols.

On the other hand, water has a relatively weaker basicity compared to alkanols because it lacks the electron-donating alkyl group. The lone pairs on the oxygen atom in water are still available for protonation, but the electron-donating capability of the alkyl group in alkanols makes them stronger bases.

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