Explain two factors that need to be considered when conducting impact studies?

Question: Explain two factors that need to be considered when conducting impact studies?

When conducting impact studies, two factors that need to be considered are:

1. Selection of appropriate indicators: It is important to identify and select appropriate indicators that can accurately measure the impact of the program or project being studied. These indicators should be specific, measurable, relevant, and timely. They should also be aligned with the objectives of the program or project. For example, if the objective of a program is to reduce poverty, the indicators could include measures of income, employment rates, and access to basic needs such as food and shelter. 

2. Timeframe of the study: The timeframe of the study is another important factor to consider. The impact of a program or project may not be immediately visible and may take several years to materialize. Therefore, it is important to determine the appropriate time frame for the study to capture the long-term impact of the program or project. Additionally, the timeframe of the study may also affect the choice of indicators, as some indicators may be more relevant in the short-term, while others may be more relevant in the long-term. For example, a short-term indicator for a health program could be the number of people who receive vaccinations, while a long-term indicator could be the reduction in the prevalence of diseases that the program targets.

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