How the every weak entity set can be changed into a strong entity set through?

How the every weak entity set can be changed into a strong entity set through?

Question: How the every weak entity set can be changed into a strong entity set through?

A weak entity set can be converted to a strong entity set by adding appropriate attributes that can uniquely identify each entity in the set. However, this approach may result in redundant storage of primary key. A weak entity set is an entity set that does not have a primary key of its own, but depends on another entity set (called the owner or identifying entity set) for its existence. A weak entity set is represented by a double rectangle in an ER diagram, and the relationship with the owner entity set is represented by a double diamond. A weak entity set has a partial key, which is a set of attributes that can distinguish among entities that belong to the same owner entity. A weak entity set always has total participation in its identifying relationship with the owner entity.

Some examples of weak entity sets are:

- Payment: A payment entity depends on a loan entity for its existence. The payment number is a partial key that distinguishes payments for the same loan.

- Room: A room entity depends on a hotel entity for its existence. The room number is a partial key that distinguishes rooms in the same hotel.

- Dependent: A dependent entity depends on an employee entity for its existence. The name of the dependent is a partial key that distinguishes dependents of the same employee.

The use of weak entity sets is to model situations where an entity does not have a key attribute of its own, but is identified by its relationship with another entity. This can help to avoid creating artificial keys or storing redundant information. Weak entity sets also capture the existence dependency and total participation constraints between entities

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