What are the physical and observational arguments supporting the idea of a spherical earth provided by aristotle?

Question: What are the physical and observational arguments supporting the idea of a spherical earth provided by aristotle?

Aristotle’s arguments for the spherical shape of the Earth are given in his work On the Heavens, Book 2, Part 14. He argued that:

The Earth must necessarily be spherical because the weight of all its parts setting towards the center would naturally form a spherical shape. Today we would recognize this tendency to be a consequence of gravity.

The Earth’s shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse is always circular, which can only happen if the Earth is spherical.

The stars and constellations appear to change their positions and rise and set at different times depending on the observer’s latitude, which implies that the Earth is curved.

The horizon appears to be curved when viewed from a high place or at sea, which suggests that the Earth is not flat.

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