What is braggs equation explain crystal system?

Question: What is braggs equation explain crystal system?

Bragg's equation is a fundamental equation in X-ray crystallography that relates the angles at which X-rays are diffracted by a crystal to the spacing of the crystal's atomic planes. It is named after Sir William Henry Bragg and his son Sir William Lawrence Bragg, who formulated the equation in 1913.

Bragg's equation is given by:

nλ = 2d sin(θ)


- n is an integer representing the order of the diffraction peak.

- λ is the wavelength of the X-rays.

- d is the distance between adjacent atomic planes in the crystal.

- θ is the angle between the incident X-ray beam and the diffracted beam.

The equation essentially states that constructive interference occurs when the path difference between two X-ray waves diffracted by adjacent atomic planes is an integer multiple of the X-ray wavelength. This results in enhanced intensity at specific angles of diffraction.

Now, let's move on to the crystal system. In crystallography, crystals are classified into seven crystal systems based on the symmetry of their lattice structures. Each crystal system has specific characteristics that define the arrangement of atoms within the crystal.

The seven crystal systems are as follows:

1. Cubic System: This system has a cubic lattice with equal length edges and 90-degree angles between them. The three axes are of equal length, and the angles between them are 90 degrees.

2. Tetragonal System: The tetragonal system also has a cubic lattice, but the lengths of the three axes differ. Two axes are of equal length, and the third axis is perpendicular to the other two, with a different length.

3. Orthorhombic System: In the orthorhombic system, all three axes are of different lengths and mutually perpendicular. The angles between the axes are all 90 degrees.

4. Monoclinic System: The monoclinic system has three unequal axes, but only two are perpendicular to each other. The third axis is inclined to the others and of different length.

5. Triclinic System: In the triclinic system, all three axes have different lengths and are inclined at different angles to each other.

6. Hexagonal System: The hexagonal system has a hexagonal lattice with four axes. Three axes are of equal length and lie in a single plane with 120-degree angles between them. The fourth axis is perpendicular to the other three.

7. Trigonal or Rhombohedral System: The trigonal system has a rhombohedral lattice, which is similar to the hexagonal system. It has three axes of equal length, with angles between them that are not necessarily 90 degrees.

These crystal systems provide a framework for classifying and understanding the structural properties of different crystals. By knowing the crystal system, one can infer certain geometric and symmetry characteristics of the crystal's atomic arrangement.

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