What is the role of a cdd in an smc campaign?

Question: What is the role of a cdd in an smc campaign?

A Community Drug Distributor (CDD) plays a crucial role in a Community-Directed Treatment with Ivermectin (CDTI) campaign, which is a strategy for controlling and eliminating onchocerciasis (river blindness) in endemic areas.

In an SMC (Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention) campaign, a CDD is responsible for administering preventive antimalarial drugs to eligible children under the age of five in their communities.

The specific roles of a CDD in an SMC campaign include:

Community mobilization: The CDD helps to mobilize the community to participate in the SMC campaign by educating them about the benefits of the preventive antimalarial drugs and encouraging them to bring their eligible children for treatment.

Drug distribution: The CDD is responsible for administering the preventive antimalarial drugs to eligible children in their communities. This involves following the dosing schedule, ensuring that the drugs are taken correctly, and documenting the distribution of the drugs.

Monitoring and reporting: The CDD monitors the progress of the SMC campaign in their community and reports any issues or concerns to the campaign organizers. They also report the number of children treated and any adverse reactions to the drugs.

Data management: The CDD is responsible for maintaining accurate records of the SMC campaign in their community, including the number of eligible children, the number of children treated, and any adverse reactions to the drugs.

In summary, the CDD plays a critical role in the success of an SMC campaign by administering preventive antimalarial drugs to eligible children in their communities, mobilizing the community, monitoring progress, and maintaining accurate records.

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