The philosopher who introduced the term transcendental to better explain the possibility of being beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge?

Question: The philosopher who introduced the term transcendental to better explain the possibility of being beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge?

The philosopher who introduced the term transcendental to better explain the possibility of being beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge is Immanuel Kant.

In his book Critique of Pure Reason, Kant argued that there are two types of knowledge: empirical knowledge and a priori knowledge. Empirical knowledge is gained through experience, while a priori knowledge is independent of experience.

Kant argued that the human mind has certain innate categories that allow us to understand the world around us. These categories include things like space, time, causality, and substance. Kant called these categories transcendental because they are the conditions of possibility for all experience.

Kant also argued that there is a realm of reality that is beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge. This realm of reality is what Kant called the thing-in-itself. The thing-in-itself is the thing as it is in itself, apart from our experience of it.

Kant argued that we can never have direct knowledge of the thing-in-itself. However, we can make inferences about the thing-in-itself based on our experience of the phenomenal world. For example, we know that the thing-in-itself must exist because we experience the phenomenal world.

Kant's use of the term transcendental has had a profound influence on philosophy. Many philosophers after Kant have used the term transcendental to refer to the conditions of possibility for experience.

Here is an example of how Kant used the term transcendental:

"The transcendental exposition of concepts is the explanation of the possibility of knowledge a priori."

In this passage, Kant is saying that the transcendental exposition of concepts is the explanation of how it is possible for us to have knowledge that is independent of experience.

Kant's philosophy is complex and nuanced, but his use of the term transcendental has been highly influential in Western philosophy.

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