The single most distinctive feature of sedimentary rocks is?

Question: The single most distinctive feature of sedimentary rocks is?

The single most distinctive feature of sedimentary rocks is stratification. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation and lithification of sediments, which are small fragments of rocks and minerals that have been transported and deposited by water, wind, or ice. Sediments are deposited in layers, and these layers are preserved in the sedimentary rock. This layering, or stratification, is the single most distinctive feature of sedimentary rocks.

Other features of sedimentary rocks include:

  • Fossils: Sedimentary rocks are often the only type of rock that contains fossils. This is because fossils are the remains of plants and animals that were buried and preserved in sediments.
  • Graded bedding: Graded bedding is a type of stratification that occurs when the size of the sediment grains decreases from the bottom to the top of a layer. This is caused by the sorting of sediment grains by water or wind.
  • Cross-bedding: Cross-bedding is a type of stratification that occurs when layers of sediment are deposited at an angle to other layers. This is caused by currents or winds that change direction over time.

Sedimentary rocks are the most common type of rock on Earth's surface. They cover about 75% of the Earth's land surface and about 90% of the ocean floor. Sedimentary rocks are also an important source of natural resources, such as oil, gas, coal, and limestone.

Here are some examples of sedimentary rocks:

  • Sandstone
  • Shale
  • Limestone
  • Conglomerate
  • Breccia
  • Coal
  • Evaporites (e.g., halite, gypsum)

Sedimentary rocks play an important role in the Earth's rock cycle. They are formed from the weathering and erosion of existing rocks, and they are eventually transformed into metamorphic and igneous rocks through tectonic processes.

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