What are the correct steps to regenerate a ucs b-series ssl certificate?

What are the correct steps to regenerate a ucs b-series ssl certificate?

Question: What are the correct steps to regenerate a ucs b-series ssl certificate?

To regenerate a UCS B-Series SSL certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the UCS Manager GUI.
  2. **Navigate to Security > Certificates > Key Rings.
  3. Select the key ring that contains the SSL certificate you want to regenerate.
  4. Click the Regenerate button.
  5. **Enter a new Certificate Name and Organization Name.
  6. Click the Regenerate button.
  7. Wait for the certificate regeneration process to complete.
  8. Once the certificate regeneration process is complete, download the new certificate.

To download the new certificate:

  1. **Navigate to Security > Certificates > Key Rings.
  2. Select the key ring that contains the new SSL certificate.
  3. Click the Download Certificate button.
  4. **Select the Certificate Format and Certificate File Name.
  5. Click the Save button.

Once you have downloaded the new certificate, you can install it on your UCS B-Series server.

Important: Before regenerating your SSL certificate, make sure to back up your existing certificate.

Here are some additional tips for regenerating a UCS B-Series SSL certificate:

  • Make sure that your UCS B-Series server has a valid NTP configuration.
  • Make sure that your UCS B-Series server has a valid DNS configuration.
  • If you are using a self-signed certificate, make sure that you have generated a new key pair.
  • If you are using a certificate from a third-party certificate authority (CA), make sure that you have submitted a new certificate signing request (CSR) to the CA.

Once you have installed the new SSL certificate on your UCS B-Series server, you should test the certificate to make sure that it is working properly. You can do this by connecting to the UCS Manager GUI using HTTPS.

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