Motivate each of your selections in b1.17 – write each motivation in a separate sentence and include the name of the principle in each sentence. your answers should be clearly linked to the conduct in b1.1.?

Question: Motivate each of your selections in b1.17 – write each motivation in a separate sentence and include the name of the principle in each sentence. your answers should be clearly linked to the conduct in b1.1.?

Sure, here are two orientations not associated with the conduct in B1.1, from Study Unit 4.3, with each motivation in a separate sentence and including the name of the principle in each sentence, clearly linked to the conduct in B1.1:

OrientationMotivationPrincipleRelation to B1.1
UtilitarianismThe right action is the one that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people.UtilityThe auditor's conduct in B1.1 does not produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people. It damages the public's trust in the auditing profession, which could lead to higher costs for businesses and investors. It could also lead to more financial fraud, which would harm investors and the economy as a whole.
DeontologyThe right action is the one that conforms to a set of moral rules or duties.DutyThe auditor's conduct in B1.1 violates a fundamental moral duty, namely the duty to be honest. The auditor has a duty to provide accurate and reliable information to the public. By falsifying the financial statements, the auditor is violating this duty.
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