According to the video case how technology changes us, what technology was developed in 1657 that impacted our perception of time?

Question: According to the video case how technology changes us, what technology was developed in 1657 that impacted our perception of time?

According to the video case "How Technology Changes Us", what technology was developed in 1657 that impacted our perception of time? The answer is the pendulum clock, invented by Christiaan Huygens. The pendulum clock was the first device that could measure time accurately and consistently. Before the pendulum clock, people relied on natural cycles, such as the sun and the moon, to mark the passage of time. The pendulum clock changed our perception of time by making it more precise, uniform and quantifiable. It also enabled us to synchronize our activities and coordinate our actions across distances. The pendulum clock was a key technology that shaped the modern world and influenced our culture, economy and society.

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