Applied anthropology is a new area of anthropology that was developed in the twenty-first century.

Question: Applied anthropology is a new area of anthropology that was developed in the twenty-first century.

What is applied anthropology and why is it important?

Applied anthropology is a new area of anthropology that was developed in the twenty-first century. It refers to the use of anthropological knowledge, methods and perspectives to address real-world problems and challenges in various domains such as health, education, development, environment, business and policy. Applied anthropologists work with different stakeholders, such as communities, organizations, governments and NGOs, to understand their needs, values, cultures and contexts, and to design and implement solutions that are culturally appropriate, ethical and sustainable.

Applied anthropology is important because it can contribute to positive social change and human well-being. By applying anthropological insights and skills, applied anthropologists can help to bridge the gap between theory and practice, between academic research and practical action, and between local knowledge and global issues. Applied anthropology can also foster cross-cultural understanding and collaboration, promote human rights and social justice, and enhance the relevance and impact of anthropology as a discipline.

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