Communication is the act of sending and receiving messages. sometimes messages are communicated verbally, with words, or nonverbaly, with body language. when communication is effective, the intended message is received. when communication is ineffective, messages are unclear. describe a time when you had difficulty communicating a message. why was the intended message not received properly?

Question: Communication is the act of sending and receiving messages. sometimes messages are communicated verbally, with words, or nonverbaly, with body language. when communication is effective, the intended message is received. when communication is ineffective, messages are unclear. describe a time when you had difficulty communicating a message. why was the intended message not received properly?

Communication is the act of sending and receiving messages. Sometimes messages are communicated verbally, with words, or nonverbally, with body language. When communication is effective, the intended message is received. When communication is ineffective, messages are unclear. In this blog post, I will describe a time when I had difficulty communicating a message and explain why the intended message was not received properly.

The situation happened when I was working on a group project with three other classmates. We had to prepare a presentation on a topic related to our course. We divided the work among ourselves and agreed to meet online a few days before the deadline to review our slides and practice our speech. However, when we met online, I realized that one of my group members had not done his part of the work. He said he was busy with other assignments and asked us to cover for him. I was very annoyed by his attitude and felt that he was taking advantage of us. I wanted to tell him that he was being irresponsible and unfair, but I did not want to cause a conflict or hurt his feelings. So instead of expressing my anger directly, I tried to communicate it indirectly by using sarcasm and passive-aggressive comments. For example, I said things like "Wow, you must be really busy with all those assignments. How do you manage to do them all?" or "It's okay, we don't mind doing your work for you. We have nothing else to do anyway." I hoped that he would get the hint and apologize for his behavior.

However, my indirect communication did not work as I expected. Instead of understanding my message, he seemed to take my words at face value and thanked me for being understanding and supportive. He did not seem to notice my sarcasm or passive-aggression at all. He also did not change his behavior or offer to help with the presentation. I felt frustrated and confused by his reaction. Why did he not get my message? Why did he not feel guilty or ashamed?

The reason why my communication was ineffective was because I used nonverbal cues that were inconsistent with my verbal message. Nonverbal cues are signals that accompany our words, such as tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture, etc. They help us convey our emotions, attitudes, and intentions. However, when our nonverbal cues do not match our verbal message, we create confusion and misunderstanding. In my case, I used sarcasm and passive-aggression to express my anger, but I also tried to maintain a polite and friendly tone of voice and facial expression. This created a contradiction between what I said and how I said it. My group member could not tell if I was being serious or joking, sincere or sarcastic, friendly or hostile. He chose to interpret my message in a way that suited him best and ignored the subtle signs of my displeasure.

To improve my communication in the future, I should have been more direct and honest with my group member. I should have told him clearly and respectfully how I felt about his behavior and what I expected from him as a team player. I should have also used nonverbal cues that matched my verbal message, such as a firm tone of voice and a serious facial expression. This would have made my message more clear and convincing and avoided any confusion or misunderstanding.

Communication is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice and feedback. By being aware of the verbal and nonverbal aspects of communication, we can communicate more effectively and avoid unnecessary conflicts or problems.

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