Explain why calix having x chromosomes from his mother and father meant chromosomal rearrangement was not the cause.

Question: Explain why calix having x chromosomes from his mother and father meant chromosomal rearrangement was not the cause.

One of the possible causes of congenital anomalies is chromosomal rearrangement, which occurs when a segment of a chromosome breaks off and reattaches in a different position or orientation. This can result in changes in the number or structure of genes on the affected chromosome, leading to developmental problems or diseases.

However, chromosomal rearrangement was not the cause of calix's condition, which was diagnosed as Klinefelter syndrome. This syndrome is caused by having an extra X chromosome, resulting in a 47,XXY karyotype. Calix inherited one X chromosome from his mother and two X chromosomes from his father, due to a nondisjunction event during meiosis.

Nondisjunction is the failure of chromosomes to separate properly during cell division, resulting in an unequal distribution of chromosomes among the daughter cells. In calix's case, his father's sperm cell had two X chromosomes instead of one, and fertilized his mother's egg cell that had one X chromosome. This resulted in a zygote with three X chromosomes, which developed into calix.

Therefore, chromosomal rearrangement was not the cause of calix's condition, because he did not have any segments of chromosomes that were broken off and reattached in a different position or orientation. He simply had an extra X chromosome that he inherited from his father due to nondisjunction.

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